Winter appeal 2020 raises £2100 for Palestinian refugee families
‘Thank you for your help and support’
ORFA’s winter appeal raised a total of £2100 to support families in Am’ari Refugee camp, where the Coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated an already difficult situation.
The money from Oxford has been used to buy olive oil, winter clothes and blankets for families affected by Coronavirus in the camp.
ORFA worked with the Women’s centre, a key democratic and non-aligned institution in Am’ari camp, to identify what was most urgently needed and to distribute items to families in need.
Refugees in the camp, who are living between the pandemic and the occupation, have difficulty in self-isolating due to overcrowded homes with several generations living together.
Many workers are daily paid and unemployment is high. The pandemic is having a disproportionate impact on this disadvantaged community and there are many young children in the camp living with inadequate resources.
A first payment of £1000 was sent in November 2020 and a second payment of £1100 was sent in January 2021.
Pictured here are some of the items distributed to families, and Naifa, one of our friends in the Women’s Centre, with a box of supplies.

"We thank Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association, a lot, for the help and support since in Al Amari camp health is going down because of the rise in the number of infected people. The government and the UNRWA cannot support us fully since they have financial problems."