Oxford Ramallah Twinning: Working Together for Human Rights

Oxford City Council and Ramallah Municipality officially twinned in 2019, with mayors Musa Hadid visiting Oxford in 2019 and Mark Lygo visiting Ramallah in February 2022.

“…Oxford Ramallah Twinning…raises awareness through bringing groups and individuals from Palestine to share their stories with residents of Oxford. City twinning is an act of city diplomacy which aims to give citizens the chance to engage with their respective cultures and foster friendship, understanding and networks.” Middle East Monitor (2019)


Mayor Musa with one of our friends from Al-Amari Refugee Camp

The mayors of Oxford and Ramallah contributed to the Mandala and Ashtar Artivism Youth Theatre Digital/Live Festival, 2021.

Mayor of Oxford, Councillor Mark Lygo: “The links between the cities of Ramallah and Oxford started before the twinning (2003), and it was these links that led to the cementing of our relationship by officially having Ramallah twinned with Oxford.”

Mayor of Ramallah, Palestine, Musa Hadid: "Our relationship with Oxford is special since it’s based on our communities…This shows how human bonds are stronger than any obstacle - be it viral or Israeli occupation…demonstrating a human solidarity that exceeds borders.”

Read more about the 2021 Twinning Launch here

Oxford Ramallah Twinning works in tandem with ORFA, and is pleased to be part of Oxford International Links.  

Read more about how this historic twinning came about.

Recent events:

Future plans: 

  • 2024: Supporting Mandala Theatre (Oxford) International Youth Festival 

Ways to get involved

To contact Oxford Ramallah Twinning, email [email protected]